Forever chemicals: what are we actually exposed to in the UK?

A talk by Dr David Megson, Environmental Forensics Expert

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Date and time
26 February 2025
6.30 pm
Add to Calendar 02/26/2024 06:30 PM 02/26/2025 08:00 PM Europe/London Forever chemicals: what are we actually exposed to in the UK? A Manchester Lit & Phil event: What risks do forever chemicals pose? And what are we doing to understand and manage these risks to ourselves and our environment? International Anthony Burgess Foundation, 3 Cambridge Street
M1 5BY

International Anthony Burgess Foundation
3 Cambridge Street
M1 5BY
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£15.00 General Admission / £6.00 Students / Members book for FREE

Wheelchair accessible



Environmental pollution is making headlines, but are we focusing on the right risks? Dr David Megson reveals the hidden story of chemical pollution in the UK, exploring the invisible toxic substances that have become part of our daily lives.


Why This Matters

While plastic waste and sewage pollution capture public attention through visible evidence, Dr Megson suggests that less visible chemical pollutants may pose greater risks to our health and environment. This talk explores the science behind these “forever chemicals” and their impact on our lives.


Key Terms Explained

‘Forever Chemicals’ are defined as substances that persist in the environment and human body for extended periods. These toxic chemicals are carcinogenic (meaning they can cause cancer), mutagenic (meaning they can cause genetic mutations), and teratogenic (meaning they can harm fetal development).


Topics Covered

In this comprehensive presentation, Dr Megson will explore the contrast between visible pollution and hidden chemical threats in our environment. He will discuss common sources of toxic chemicals found in everyday products and explain why certain harmful substances remain in use despite known risks. The talk will examine the complex balance between chemical benefits and risks, including historical “miracle chemicals” and their lasting legacy. Current research on chemical exposure in the UK will be presented, along with information about steps being taken to manage chemical risks.


What You’ll Learn

Understanding chemical pollution goes beyond visible environmental damage. You’ll discover how these substances enter our lives through everyday products, from food packaging to furniture, and learn about current scientific efforts to understand and manage these risks.


About the Speaker

Dr David Megson is an expert in environmental forensics whose research focuses on identifying and understanding chemical pollutants in our environment. His work helps inform policy decisions about chemical safety and regulation.


Content Notice

This talk discusses environmental pollution and health risks from chemical exposure. While technical terms will be explained, some content may be concerning to those worried about environmental health issues.


Practical Information

The presentation will include time for questions and discussion. Supporting slides will be provided to help understand technical concepts. Light refreshments can be purchased from the venue’s bar.

Booking is essential. Lit & Phil members: we recommend logging into the website to make booking your free member ticket quicker and easier.


Accessibility Information

The venue is wheelchair accessible with an accessible toilet on the ground floor. Please contact us regarding any specific accessibility requirements you may have by emailing


Further Information

For those interested in learning more before the talk, we recommend looking at Imperial College’s Environmental Research Group website pages.

david megson

Dr David Megson FRSC, FHEA

David Megson is currently a Reader at Manchester Metropolitan University teaching chemistry and environmental forensics. He has a keen interest in monitoring environmental pollution of persistent organic pollutants and developing new techniques for their measurement. He is also employed by Chemistry Matters as a senior Environmental Chemist working on environmental forensics litigation cases to identify the source(s) of persistent organic pollutants in the environment.

David is a committee member for the British Standards Institute (BSI & ISO) where he develops and produces analytical standards to measure pollutants in water. He has received over £4 Million in research funding since 2016.

A regular keynote speaker, David organises international conferences in positions on the committee of the RSC Environment, Sustainability & Energy Council, the British Mass Spectrometry Society and as Chair of the International Network of Environmental Forensics.

David has published widely and has contributed to over 30 media pieces in national and international newspapers. He has also appeared on the award-wining BBC podcast series Buried.

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