Manchester: what changed, and what comes next?

John Harris and Hannah Al-Othman

This is a recording of a past event
2 November 2022
Add to Calendar 02/06/2025 12:31 PM 02/06/2025 12:31 PM Europe/London Manchester: what changed, and what comes next? A Manchester Lit & Phil event: How has Manchester changed to such an extent? And what lessons does its journey hold for other places? Benzie Building, Manchester Metropolitan University, Boundary St. West,
Manchester M15 6BG


How has Manchester changed to such an extent? And what lessons does its journey hold for other places?

Guardian columnist John Harris and Sunday Times journalist Hannah Al-Othman both have a long-standing interest in how Manchester has been revived and regenerated over the last 30 years, and the big social issues its transformation has highlighted.

Where is Manchester and its surrounding region now heading?

With Boris Johnson’s ideas about “levelling up” apparently fading and Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham using his new job to carve out a different kind of politics, there are huge questions to address. Not just for Manchester, for the whole of the country.

John and Hannah share and explore their personal perspectives in this ‘in conversation’ style event.

john harris

John Harris

John Harris is a journalist, film-maker and podcaster whose work mainly appears in The Guardian. He was born in Manchester, brought up nearby in Cheshire, and educated between the ages of 16 and 18 in Hulme. He is the co-creator of Anywhere But Westminster, the video series about politics beyond centres of power that won the 2021 Orwell Prize for political journalism, and the presenter of the Guardian’s podcast Politics Weekly UK. He also writes a weekly column about politics, and life.

hannah al-othman

Hannah Al-Othman

Hannah Al-Othman is an esteemed investigative journalist for the Sunday Times whose work has won her many prizes, including the Paul Foot Award and an Orwell special prize. Hannah’s journalism has a socio-political focus which stives to shine a light on both difficult and more light-hearted stories, local and national. She has previously served as a lobby journalist for BuzzFeed, gaining her insights into the day-to-day proceedings and operations of the UK Parliament. Hannah is now based in Manchester.

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