How should society respond to crime? This engaging seminar will explore fundamental questions about justice, punishment, and the role of the state.
Together, we’ll examine:
– The moral and legal foundations of punishment: What gives a state the right to punish its citizens?
– Current debates in criminal justice: From prison overcrowding to debates about sentencing guidelines, we’ll discuss real-world challenges facing our justice system.
– Prevention versus punishment: Should we focus more on addressing the root causes of crime or on strengthening enforcement and sentences?
Whether you’re interested in philosophy, criminal justice, or current affairs, this discussion will offer valuable insights into one of society’s most pressing challenges.
The session will be presented by Dr Susan Hilton, and there is a focus paper that we recommend reading in advance to enable you to get the most out of the discussion.
Good to know: We take pride in putting the fun back into serious philosophy through our friendly and respectful discussions involving different levels of experience of philosophy. The Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum is all about collectively exploring interesting and exciting ideas from different viewpoints … not winning arguments!
The focus paper for reading in advance of the session, can be downloaded here.
We are usually oversubscribed, so if you book but find out later that you cannot attend, please cancel your ticket to free up a place for someone else. Thank you.