Crime and Punishment – Is Justice Just?

Posted on: December 3rd, 2024 by mlpEditor

How should society respond to crime? This engaging seminar will explore fundamental questions about justice, punishment, and the role of the state.

Together, we’ll examine:

The moral and legal foundations of punishment: What gives a state the right to punish its citizens?

Current debates in criminal justice: From prison overcrowding to debates about sentencing guidelines, we’ll discuss real-world challenges facing our justice system.

Prevention versus punishment: Should we focus more on addressing the root causes of crime or on strengthening enforcement and sentences?


Whether you’re interested in philosophy, criminal justice, or current affairs, this discussion will offer valuable insights into one of society’s most pressing challenges.

The session will be presented by Dr Susan Hilton, and there is a focus paper that we recommend reading in advance to enable you to get the most out of the discussion.


Good to know: We take pride in putting the fun back into serious philosophy through our friendly and respectful discussions involving different levels of experience of philosophy.  The Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum is all about collectively exploring interesting and exciting ideas from different viewpoints … not winning arguments!

 The focus paper for reading in advance of the session, can be downloaded here.

 We are usually oversubscribed, so if you book but find out later that you cannot attend, please cancel your ticket to free up a place for someone else. Thank you.

Is Atheism a religion?

Posted on: October 14th, 2024 by mlpEditor

Atheists tend to advocate the belief that there are no deities. In Western society Atheism seems to have increased in popularity as measured by census reporting and development of groups advocating a Humanist approach. However, this does raise the question of where Atheism sits in relation to religion.

How successful are atheists in moving us on from religion?  Is Atheism developing into a religion of its own?

In this Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum we will investigate aspects such as ‘what is religion?’, the differences and similarities between Theism and Atheism, and what the moral questions are that are resulting from a shift to an Atheist-based society – if that is actually the case.

The session will be presented by David Leaver, a retired priest who wrote the focus paper and who also hosts the regular podcast, ‘Church Ahead’. David will utilise his life experiences from working within the Christian Church whilst also taking a broader perspective looking at other approaches to collective approaches to modern society.

David refers to A.C Grayling’s 2023 Manchester lecture on Atheism in his paper and this can be viewed on YouTube here.

Everyone will be encouraged to become actively involved and given an opportunity to discuss their views.


Good to know: We take pride in putting the fun back into serious philosophy through our friendly and respectful discussions involving different levels of experience of philosophy.  The Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum is all about collectively exploring interesting and exciting ideas from different viewpoints … not winning arguments!

 The focus paper for reading in advance of the session, can be downloaded here.

 We are usually oversubscribed, so if you book but find out later that you cannot attend, please cancel your ticket to free up a place for someone else. Thank you.

Reducing your carbon footprint – Consumer Products

Posted on: September 23rd, 2024 by mlpEditor

How can we make sounder choices about our future consumer purchases?

This online event will begin with a brief introduction about the challenges that our consumer society presents in terms of carbon emissions associated with the production and distribution of the goods “we love to buy” on both a personal and societal level.

This will be followed by a presentation from David Lovell – a regulatory consultant with wide experience in the environmental impact of white goods and lead author of PAS 7770:2024, the new national standard with implications for how products are made, bought, used and disposed. He will address the steps that industries and retailers are taking to be a part of a more circular economy and explore some of the challenges that this change faces.

What are the greenwashing tactics that companies might produce and how can you identify them?  What are the best options for consumers who want to reduce the environmental impact of their purchases?

David’s presentation will be followed by questions from the audience, and we encourage you to get involved and take part in the discussion.

What should Higher Education be for and how should it be funded?

Posted on: August 28th, 2024 by mlpEditor

As we ease into a new educational year, questions linger about how we should approach education in general and Higher Education in particular. Some universities are voicing concerns that they can’t make ends meet and the recent pressure to reduce foreign students is only adding to the financial challenges they face.

The Blair government set the objective for the UK to have at least 50% of its people attend university and obtain a degree, but the question remains on whether this political objective still holds true. Should education be a right for all? And at what level should the cost be transferred from the state to the individual? If you don’t enter Higher Education, why should you pay for those that do?

This Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum will investigate the current problems faced by all those involved with Higher Education, leading into philosophical discussions around topics such as how does the UK benefit from Higher Education; who should it be aimed at; is education a Human Right; and what are the general benefits of education in the first place?

The session will be presented by Manchester Lit and Phil member Richard Remelie, who wrote the focus paper. We will give everyone an opportunity to discuss their views.


Good to know: We take pride in putting the fun back into serious philosophy through our friendly and respectful discussions involving different levels of experience of philosophy.  The Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum is all about collectively exploring interesting and exciting ideas from different viewpoints … not winning arguments!

The focus paper for reading in advance of the session, can be downloaded here.

 We are usually oversubscribed, so if you book but find out later that you cannot attend, please cancel your ticket to free up a place for someone else. Thank you.

Generative AI: If you can’t beat ‘em…

Posted on: July 30th, 2024 by mlpEditor

In November 2022, OpenAI made the now famous ChatGPT tool available for public use and the company has since enjoyed a swift and pervasive rise in popularity.

The use of this tool and others like it is unnervingly ubiquitous. ChatGPT’s extremely helpful tendrils have been welcomed with open arms, into all areas of life – whether we are active users or unknowing consumers of its generated content. ChatGPT can claim authorship of everything from glowing end-of-year school reports to disgruntled letters of resignation. And now it can add a Manchester Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum Focus Paper to that list (!).

The paper contains a discussion with ChatGPT in which the tool is used to explain ChatGPT itself, its pitfalls, strengths and the philosophical questions surrounding it (please see download link below). We’ll be using this to guide our conversations in the session, which will be presented by Manchester Lit and Phil member Robert Mears.


Good to know: We take pride in putting the fun back into serious philosophy through our friendly and respectful discussions involving different levels of experience of philosophy.  The Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum is all about collectively exploring interesting and exciting ideas from different viewpoints … not winning arguments!

The focus paper for reading in advance of the session, can be downloaded here.

We are usually oversubscribed, so if you book but find out later that you cannot attend, please cancel your ticket to free up a place for someone else. Thank you.

Poles Apart? Isaiah Berlin’s Two Concepts of Liberty

Posted on: July 30th, 2024 by mlpEditor

Individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own preferences.

This has been a generally accepted principle of western democracy for several years, but where should the line be drawn between what an individual has the right to do and how much the state should intervene to limit an individual’s actions?

In a famous essay first published in 1958, Isaiah Berlin identified two concepts of liberty:  negative and positive. Berlin gave us two contrasting ways of thinking of liberty that built upon approaches identified by previous philosophers and is still the subject of much discussion today.

This Manchester Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum focuses on Berlin’s approach as outlined in the Focus Paper (see link below). Together we will compare Berlin’s proposals with thoughts on Liberty from two famous Philosophers: Rousseau and John Stuart Mill. We will give everyone an opportunity to discuss their views.


The session will be presented by Manchester Lit and Phil member Andrew Bailey.

Good to know: We take pride in putting the fun back into serious philosophy through our friendly and respectful discussions involving different levels of experience of philosophy.  The Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum is all about collectively exploring interesting and exciting ideas from different viewpoints … not winning arguments!

The focus paper for reading in advance of the session, can be viewed and downloaded here.

We are usually oversubscribed, so if you book but find out later that you cannot attend, please cancel your ticket to free up a place for someone else. Thank you.

Universally Manchester Festival: Lit & Phil Salon

Posted on: June 3rd, 2024 by mlpEditor

We’re hosting an absorbing afternoon as part of the Universally Manchester Festival, with three speakers set to challenge your mind and really get you thinking – about artificial intelligence (AI), enzyme engineering and 3D printing.

Lit & Phil speaker Dr Emily Collins, expert on AI, robotics, psychology, ethics and more will delve into the ethical parameters of AI – the reliability, trustworthiness and transparency of it. She’ll be framing her talk around the social history of The University of Manchester, and how it was founded in part as a response to the Industrial Revolution.

Dr Richard Obexer will speak on the amazing world of enzyme engineering, and its future use. And Brian Derby will provide insights into the wonders of 3D printing.

There’ll be time for questions and discussion will be encouraged – so get involved, learn some unexpected facts and come away with a deeper understanding of these compelling, important subjects.

Visit the Universally Manchester website to book tickets

Reducing your Carbon Footprint – Effective Carbon Offset

Posted on: May 21st, 2024 by mlpEditor

This online seminar will introduce how you can offset your own personal carbon footprint, both ineffectively and effectively.

We’ll begin with an introduction to the carbon offset methods available to the public and their efficacy.

After this introduction, Dr Jan Huckfeldt, will be joining us online from Switzerland as the Chief Commercial Officer of Climeworks, the largest Direct Air Capture (DAC) organisation on the planet. Jan will describe the role that atmospheric CO2 (the largest greenhouse gas contributor to anthropogenic climate change) plays in climate change. He will explain the reality of what this really means, and the science and practice of DAC on the journey to scale the operation to gigatonne capability.  There will also be a discussion on the economic challenges that have to be overcome.

Following Jan’s presentation, there will be a Q&A session where you will have the opportunity to ask that burning question you always wanted to know the answer to.  Maybe you want to know more about ‘greenwash’? Or better understand the relative scale of the challenge we face to restore atmospheric levels of CO2 to what is considered a safe level.  Whatever your interest, you will leave this seminar with an understanding of what you can do in reality to correct excess levels of CO2 that is already present in the atmosphere.

The sad truth about truth

Posted on: April 15th, 2024 by mlpEditor

Truth is a hot topic because it has never been as threatened as it is now.

We are living in the deeply unsettling floating world of the information revolution.  Like all major cultural upheavals, it brings wonders and benefits, but it also brings danger.  The tools and opportunities for disinformation are everywhere to see.  Ideas such as ‘post-truth’, ‘deep fake’ and ‘alternative facts’ point to the perils of mass dissemblance.

So now is the perfect time to consider what we actually mean by truth … such an innocent and simple concept … until, that is, you try to grasp it!  It is then we become aware just how slippery truth is.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? You’d better believe it!  Are you kidding?  Welcome to the branch of philosophy called epistemology.


The seminar will be presented by John Pickersgill

Good to know: We take pride in putting the fun back into serious philosophy through our friendly and respectful discussions involving different levels of experience of philosophy.  The Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum is all about collectively exploring interesting and exciting ideas from different viewpoints … not winning arguments!

The focus paper for reading in advance of the session, can be downloaded here.

We are usually oversubscribed, so if you book but find out later that you cannot attend, please cancel your ticket to free up a place for someone else. Thank you.

From Earth to Earth via Heaven? A history of human hubris

Posted on: December 4th, 2023 by mlpEditor

Ancient humans seemed to see themselves as deeply embedded in nature and this was reflected later in widespread Paganism.  But humanity subsequently lost its humility.  In their human origin myths, monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) granted a divine spark to our lowly formation from dust, supposedly giving us ‘dominion’ over the rest of creation.

Our exalted status carried over into the early Renaissance. But the growth of modern science, especially medicine, while reinforcing that control over nature, also demanded a much more down-to-Earth physical view of ourselves.  Darwin’s demonstration of our true genealogical origins decidedly pulled us off our spiritual pedestal.

Professor Çiğdem Balim takes us through this historical arc of human hubris from Earth via Heaven and back down to Earth again.  How do we see ourselves today?  Are we just animals crawling over the Earth?  Or are we still special in some way?


Good to know: We take pride in putting the fun back into serious philosophy through our friendly and respectful discussions involving different levels of experience of philosophy.  The Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum is all about collectively exploring interesting and exciting ideas from different viewpoints … not winning arguments!

The focus paper, written by Çiğdem and for reading in advance of the session, can be downloaded here.

We are usually oversubscribed, so if you book but find out later that you cannot attend, please cancel your ticket to free up a place for someone else. Thank you.

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