Universally Manchester Festival: Lit & Phil Salon

Partnership event to celebrate 200 years of the University of Manchester

universally manchester lit and phil salon vent
This is a past event
Date and time
7 June 2024
3.30 pm - 5.00 pm
FREE - booking via festival website required


We’re hosting an absorbing afternoon as part of the Universally Manchester Festival, with three speakers set to challenge your mind and really get you thinking – about artificial intelligence (AI), enzyme engineering and 3D printing.

Lit & Phil speaker Dr Emily Collins, expert on AI, robotics, psychology, ethics and more will delve into the ethical parameters of AI – the reliability, trustworthiness and transparency of it. She’ll be framing her talk around the social history of The University of Manchester, and how it was founded in part as a response to the Industrial Revolution.

Dr Richard Obexer will speak on the amazing world of enzyme engineering, and its future use. And Brian Derby will provide insights into the wonders of 3D printing.

There’ll be time for questions and discussion will be encouraged – so get involved, learn some unexpected facts and come away with a deeper understanding of these compelling, important subjects.

Visit the Universally Manchester website to book tickets

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