- Seminar
- Philosophy
- Manchester
- 15 November 2022
Is belief ‘beyond the natural’ beyond belief?
The Lit & Phil Philosophy Forum
15 November 2022
7.00 pm
Free to members. Donations from non-members welcome at the event.
Why do humans tend to reach for something ‘beyond the natural’ for insight or comfort? Is it justified?
This group discussion will continue to explore the ideas debated by Philip Goff and Jack Symes in our event Between God and Atheism (18th October).
Richard Dawkins made the point that every theist is an atheist of one sort or another. Even devout believers deny the existence of gods other than their own. But gods come in many forms. From the capricious personalities of Greek and Roman mythology and Abrahamic traditions to the god-soaked ‘atheism’ of Spinoza.
However, the supernatural need not be god-like. Some traditions, particularly in Eastern thought, have a less individualistic ‘spiritual’ conception of the transcendental, including pantheism. These days, Western intelligentsia normally contend that the natural is sufficient and other beliefs are unjustified. So why do humans continue to look for something (not necessarily a god) beyond the natural for either intellectual or emotional reasons.
We will explore whether there is a dichotomy between theism and atheism or intermediate stages of belief.