Black Holes: the key to understanding the universe

Professor Jeff Forshaw

the first image of a black hole, using Event Horizon Telescope observations of the centre of the galaxy M87
This is a past event
Date and time
24 June 2024
6.30 pm
Add to Calendar 06/24/2024 06:30 PM 06/24/2024 08:00 PM Europe/London Black Holes: the key to understanding the universe A Manchester Lit & Phil event: Black holes are fascinating objects that force us to address the biggest questions in physics International Anthony Burgess Foundation, 3 Cambridge Street
M1 5BY
£15.00 (non-members)


Black holes are fascinating objects because of the way they force us to address the biggest questions in physics such as the essential nature of space and time.

Black holes are formed when massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. Their gravity is so strong that light cannot escape from them. The first direct image of a black hole and its vicinity was published in 2019 using observations made by the Event Horizon Telescope in 2017.

Jeff Forshaw will introduce black holes and go on to examine the consequences of trying to track the flow of information into and out of a black hole. Recent insights indicate that space and time are emergent features related to key concepts including “quantum entanglement”, and in a fashion that bears some resemblance to “quantum error correcting codes”, such as are needed to make stable quantum computers.

Image credit: Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

professor jeff forshaw

Professor Jeff Forshaw

Jeff Forshaw is professor of particle physics at the University of Manchester. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications and four popular science books, written together with Professor Brian Cox. The most recent of these, published in 2022, is Black Holes, the Key to Understanding the Universe. He won the 1999 Maxwell Medal for contributions to theoretical physics and the 2013 Kelvin Medal for contributions to the public understanding of science.

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