Annual Section Meetings

hands raised at a meeting
This is a past event
Date and time
26 July 2023
6.30 pm
Add to Calendar 01/22/2025 02:17 PM 01/22/2025 02:17 PM Europe/London Annual Section Meetings A Manchester Lit & Phil event: An evening to celebrate the 22-23 season and discuss ideas for future events International Anthony Burgess Foundation, 3 Cambridge Street
M1 5BY
Free to members


Members are invited to attend the Annual Section Meetings. They will be held consecutively, starting at 6.30 p.m.

A formal notice is being sent by email.

The Agenda for each meeting is as follows –

  1. Minutes of the last ASM
  2. Any necessary elections*
  3. Review of the activities of the Society since the last ASM
  4. Any other matters of interest to the membership
  5. Q&A session

* Please note that as per our Articles of Association only those with either a Full or Joint annual membership, or an ‘Honorary Life’ membership, can vote in elections.

After the meetings, please join us for a celebration of the great work Lit & Phil Section members and other event organisers have done this year in producing an interesting programme of events.

Drinks and light refreshments will be served.


A copy of the Annual Sections Report is available here.

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